Friday, November 23, 2018

Skylark and Wallcreeper

This... this my state award or national award reading friends is why you need to keep up, pay attention, be on the lookout especially for fall releases.  This was released in early October and I am so glad I heard about it because it wasn't on my radar at all.

It's 2012 and Super Storm Sandy is hitting NYC - specifically the nursing home where Lily's grandmother is living.  When the call comes to evacuate Lily's grandmother gives her a fountain pen and asks her to take care or it.  But what's so important about it? can she get it back when she loses it?

Go back to 1944 in southern France and 2 girls - Collette and Marguerite or Skylark and Wallcreeper who are part of the Resistance.

The narrative goes back and forth between the 2 time periods as Lily uncovers the secret life her grandmother has kept hidden.

Really good - you do have to take Lily's adventures as a 12 year old with a grain of salt.  I would have had the same reaction as her mom in the story does but students will not mind that.

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