Monday, November 5, 2018

I'm OK

Ok Lee's family has been working at the American dream- his dad worked on roofs, his mom had a few jobs, they had a house they wanted to buy, Ok worked hard at school.  Then his dad died and his mom struggled to make ends meet.  Ok wants to help and decides to learn to braid girls' hair, decides to enter the talent show, and even gets desperate enough to steal.  But when the Deacon of their church takes an interest in Ok's mom he loses it.  He doesn't trust the guy, it's too soon, they were ok on their own.  So Ok decides to run away to a tent in the woods.

Can Ok and his mom move on.  Will Ok be okay?

This was a decent book with some tough issues.  Ok's friendships with Mickey and Asa were a bit different.  Wasn't my favorite book but was okay :)

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