Monday, June 3, 2013

As Fast as Words Could Fly by Pamela M. Tuck


Set during the Civil Rights Movement this book is about a young man who helps his father write letters for a civil rights group.  During the story Mason and his brothers begin to attend a formerly all white school where they meet with opposition.  Mason however continues to work hard and his writing leads him to learning how to type - first on a manual typewriter and then on an electric typewriter.  Mason becomes so good at typing that he is selected to represent his school at a typing contest.  Mason chooses to use a manual typewriter while everyone else uses an electric typewriter and he still wins the contest.

The story itself - historically is good.  This could easily be used during a unit on Civil Rights.  Due to the content it is more appropriate for grades 4 and up.  The length of the text makes it tricky.  The book will most likely be housed with picture books and could easily be overloooked.  As far as the actual writing I didn't find it particularly stellar - solid yes, stellar no.  

I can give it a ribbet for content and possible curricular ties.

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