Saturday, December 12, 2015

Girl in the Torch

Image result for girl in the torch 

After the death of her father, Sarah and her mother decide to make a new life for themselves in America.  But, when Sarah's mom gets sick and dies shortly after arriving in America, Sarah is told she will have to go back to her country and live with her uncle.  Desperate to stay, Sarah jumps off the boat and swims to Liberty Island and hides in the Statue of Liberty.  Eventually she gets caught by the night watchman. He takes her to the place he lives and for awhile she works for the Chinese woman who runs the place. But, someone doesn't like Maryk, the night watchman, and Sarah always feels she will get caught.  Can Sarah ever truly make America her home?

For a historical fiction novel I really enjoyed this.  The issue, as usual, is that historical fiction is such a hard sell with the kids.

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