Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Accidental Afterlife of Thomas Marsden

Image result for accidental afterlife of thomas marsden

Can you imagine anything more creepy than being a graverobber, digging into a new grave, and finding a body that looks just like you?

That is exactly what happens to Thomas Marsden and that discovery leads him on an adventure where he discovers that he is not who he thought he was.  You see, Thomas is a Changling.  Thistle, the one in the grvae was the faery created at the Hatching who got double the magic and he was left to be discovered by a human family.  But why?

As Thomas will find out - the faeiries have been stolen from their world and are being used and abused by a spiritualist to speak to the dead.  It is up to Thomas - now that Thistle is gone - to figure out how to get the faeries back to their realm before it is too late.

So what did I think?  I had a hard time getting into it.  There was so much mystery to it - the faery world, their first communication with Thomas - that it was hard to figure out and keep going.  About 1/2 through the book I really started to enjoy it.  But the ending though - "he had a proposal for Jenson..." was almost the last line of the book.  Sequel???  Just seemed a weird ending.  Overall - good but it would take a strong reader to stick with all the uncertainties to get to the best parts.

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