Thursday, February 26, 2015

Witherwood Reform School

Image result for witherwood reform school 

I have said before and I will say again - I do not like series books that just end with no logic and with so many loose ends.  Harry Potter ended pretty logically at the end of each school year (at least until we were all hooked).  Percy Jackson ended with small triumphs (again until we were hooked).  This book - not so much. 

After an unfortunate incident with their nanny Martha and some tadpoles, Tobias and Charlotte are driven by their father to the top of a mesa and left there.  Their father fully intends to go back and get them but is then in a car accident and suffers amnesia.  Tobias and Charlotte soon discover that the Witherwood Reform School is on the top of the mesa and they are "welcomed" as new students or prisoners.  With strange creatures, a mind controlling headmaster, and weird parades this school is not normal. 

While there were some interesting parts the whole thing was discouraging - after all Tobias' hard work they were back to square one at the end of the book with no hope.  Who is Marvin?  What will be extracted?  How was the nanny related to all this?  Too many question left unanswered and the thing is....there was so many questions that I never felt fully invested enough to really want to find out more. 


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