Saturday, July 22, 2017

Space Runners: Moon Platoon

Benny has been picked, along with 100 other teens, for the trip of a lifetime - 2 weeks on the moon with the creator of the moon resort, plus everyone will get money when they return, and someone may even be picked to stay on the moon and work.  Sounds wonderful - learning to drive space runners, reverse bungee jumping, and more.  But when one of the girls' space runners is hit by an asteroid things get bizarre.   The asteroid doesn't look natural.  Just what is Elijah, the creator of the resort hiding?  When Benny and his friends find out what is really going on they decide to step up and meet it head on instead of hiding in lunar tunnels.

As the first in a series there is obviously more to the story but Benny and his friends do manage to thwart the bad guys at least for now.  Not a bad opener - good for those who like science fiction.

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