Sunday, October 4, 2015

Return Once More

Image result for return once more 

I love time travel books that mess with your head a bit.  In this book Kaia lives in a futuristic society in another planetary system.  Earth became devasted and now, with new technology, Kaia's people can travel back to observe what led to Earth's demise to learn from the mistakes of the past.  Kaia is training to be a historian and believes in the noble calling of that profession but has always had trouble following the rules.  On her seventeenth birthday Kaia learns the identity of her true match and when she learns it is Caesarian - son of Cleopatra and Caesar she can't resist the chance to go back in time to meet him before his untimly death.  But her visit causes changes and she also discovers that other people are traveling back to Earth and attempting to change the course of history. 

This was a lot of fun. I almost decided not to finish it - partly because I should be reading Cybils nominees and partly because it became apparent early on that this wouldn't be getting an endorsement from me for MSBA due to language and Kaia and Caesarian's relationship (not too far but still - for my younger readers it was a bit much) - but the book sucked me in.  I was a bit disappointed near the end because I realized it was going to be the first in a series and it didn't end as well as I would like but overall I enjoyd it.

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