Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Great Greene Heist


You know that feeling you get when you pick up a book, get a few pages in, and then realize it's a sequel to a book you haven't read.  Yeah, that's what happened here's not a sequel.

That's right...this is a stand alone book but all throughout it refers to other heists, Jackson's older brother, a kiss that shouldn't have happened.  It was a little confusing.  Did it keep me from liking the made it harder to get into because I felt like something was missing.  I ended up liking it...a good heist, switcharoo, guy got the girl, good beats evil but...Turns out there is a short prequel on the author's website...Maybe I could put a QR code in from of the book linking to the prequel and say - read this first...

Overall it was good but a little odd...

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