Monday, July 2, 2018

Wild Blues

The perspective of this book is what sets it apart but which also may make it confusing for readers.

The reader figures out quickly that Lizzie is recovering from some injury and is telling her story to someone as that person's penance.  It is described as a victim statement.  Lizzie tells her narrative but then there are often interjections of conversations with or thoughts 
about this other person.  It isn't until much later in the book that the other person is revealed.

Basically though Lizzie is sent to live with her uncle for the summer while her mother battles cancer.  Her mother and uncle are not on speaking terms so there are a lot of secrets and mistrust.  Lizzie has a great friend Matias who suffers from dwarfism.  One day Matias does not show up at their meeting spot and Lizzie suspects something has happened to him.  It isn't until later - after she has searched for him for awhile that she finds out 2 prisoners escaped from a local jail.  Everyone assumes Matias was taken by the prisoners to be used for ransom.  When Lizzie gets back home she finds out her uncle has also disappeared and again it is felt that he has also been taken by the criminals.  Unwisely Lizzie sets out to rescue them.

The format is quite interesting but it is also a bit difficult.  Lizzie's actions were pretty unwise.  I would love to have others chime in on this book.

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