Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How Oscar Indigo Broke the Universe

Oscar Indigo loves baseball but he is terrible at it.  He is encouraging, he shows up for all the practices but he never gets to play.  But that all changes when, while visiting an elderly neighbor, he gets a watch that can stop time.  When Oscar decides to stop time during the first game of their championship baseball series in order to score a homerun he not only helps win the game but also loses 19 seconds of time.  And the universe wants it back.  Now all he has to do it get the watch back (which has been stolen), figure out how to get the 19 seconds back, and win the series fairly.  Or the universe will be destroyed - no pressure.

I really liked the humor and cleverness.  I enjoyed how the author brought in a version of the story where Babe Ruth was struck out by a girl.  This was cute.

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