Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Firefly Code

Thanks Megan for helping me get this at ALA in Boston.  I finally got a chance to read it.  I request a lot of books from NetGalley and Edelweiss plus get quite a few from publishers as a member of the MSBA committee.  I am constantly rearranging my TBR pile to reflect what I need to read in January - March for MSBA to go from shortlist to possibly on the list.  Then I am always looking for books that someone hasn't read yet - I hate missing a good book.  Later in the year I read ones that others have already read and so the cycle continues.  I actually thought someone on my committee would have read this by now so it got pushed back but yeah, finally.

I loved this.  Yes, dystopian kind of, but fresh and different and interesting.  A good cast of characters with problems and issues but not a lot of the "typical" problems - okay yes, there is a friend issue but it is NOT the same as usual ;0

Mori and all her friends live a pretty good life on Firefly Lane.  The are waiting for their 13th birthdays when they get to pick a trait - their latency - which will be pulled out and strengthened and then lead to their future employment.  But Mori has questions about that, about her grandmother and another community leader who suddenly left, and about the new girl Illana who seems - different.  

Very good character development and world building.  As I was getting closer to the end I sensed that things were not going to finish completely.  Not sure if a sequel is coming????

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