Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dinosaur Boy

Image result for dinosaur boy 

As a result of some science experiments that went wrong some scientists and their descendents now have a dinosaur gene that manifests itself in different ways.  The gene skips a generation so sawyer knows he will probably exhibit some sort of dinosaur characteristic as some point and right before fifth grade he grows a tail and bony plates.

Well if that doesn't single you out for bullying I don't know what does.  The only thing is that the new principal has a zero tolerance policy on bullies and those who bully Sawyer disappear.

Enter Sylvie, a new student.  Sawyer, Sylvie, and Sawyer's best friend Elliot soon find themselves investigating the disappearances and along the way find out that the dinosaur gene might not be the weirdest thing going on.

I found the book to be amusing but not fantastic.  Not totally sure if i will buy it or not - I think my younger readers will like it so it's a maybe.

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