Sunday, October 26, 2014

Upside Down in the Middle of Nowhere


I read Zane and the Hurricane earlier in the year and was pleased to see a book about Hurricane Katrina.  That being said I felt that there were some flaws in the book and things that were a little hard to believe.  Upside Down in the Middle of Nowhere also takes place during Hurricane Katrina and I found it not only more believable but also written better.  

Armani is very excited about her tenth birthday and is a bit put out when an upcoming storm is stealing her thunder.  When her family is stuck in the storm, however, she regrets her attitude and takes a lot of responsibility on herself.  The story is told with honesty, grit, determination, and heart.  I do feel that some aspects were covered quickly - what was going on in the Super Dome for example and maybe a bit more about what actually happened to Armani's dad and Georgie or how her mother ended up at the same shelter - but overall I felt the book was well done.

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