Saturday, December 28, 2013

Somebody Stop Me..


This was a very cute graphic novel for the younger set.  Salem is a witch but she needs a bit of guidance.  In enters Percival, a cat whose job is to give Salem some guidance.  In this book Salem has trouble with making spells and spelling...with some interesting results.  It was a fun little book.


This was an odd little book.  Danny finds out that his mom and dad are selling the house, moving to 2 separate places to pursue their dreams, and have sold the dog.  Danny is very upset and runs out of the house.  Unfortunately, while running, he falls into a hole.  While waiting for someone to find him he meets a mole, has an encounter with a snake, and has time ti think about what really matters.  Not sure what to think about the book...the talking mole kind of throws the whole thing off....


Okay, this one is totally different than the others on the blog.  I really enjoyed the author's book The Eleventh Plague but I didn't like this one as much.  In this book there is a religious cult called the Glorious Path which has taken over about 1/2 of the US.  Cal and his younger brother James were captured by the Path and have been forced to convert and now fight for them.  But all Cal wants is to go home to New York.  For some reason I just didn't take to this one...


When Sidney (boy) moves to town he is put into a classroom with Sydney (girl).  At first there is a mix-up with their names but soon they become friends.  In this episode the meet, become friends, and help some other friends at Halloween.  It is a very simple book...good for my 2nd and 3rd graders.

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