Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hiding Out at the Pancake Palace and Zero Tolerance


Elvis Ruby was a destined to win TweenStar until he froze onstage.  Now the paparazzi are all over him and he decides to escape the limelight by hiding out with friends in a small town in New Jersey.  There he meets Cecelia who figures out who he is and has a hard time keeping her thoughts to herself.  I enjoyed the aspect of the story that was about Elvis.  There were parts about Cecelia's song and then a dragon that just seemed out of place to me.  The ending with the song in the woods didn't really work for me but overall I enjoyed the book.


When Sierra accidentally brings her mother's lunch to school instead of her own and finds a knife inside she tries to do the right thing by turning the knife in right away.  The problem is the zero tolerance policy regarding"weapons".  Now she faces expulsion.  The book deals with the issue of right and wrong, tight policies that leave no room for innocent mistakes, and a girl learning that some of her notions about people and situations have also been too tight.  I didn't think I was going to like this book but I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Both were Readits...

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