Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hour of the Bees

Carolina is of Latino descent, but like all of her friends, she is almost embarrassed by it.  She prefers to be called Carol and is horrified by the thought of spending a summer with her old grandfather Sergie, especially when he is losing his mind.  Before they even arrive Carol starts seeing bees, where there haven't been bees in a long time.  Her grandfather says the bees will bring the rain.  But that must be part of the dementia talking, as are his stories of an ancient tree.  As the summer progresses, Carol becomes closer to Sergie and begins to wonder if his stories are really stories or if they actually could be true.

This book was very well written.  It had a Tuck Everlasting feel to it and I can see debates over Rosa and Sergie's views of life.  Loved this.

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