Saturday, April 9, 2016

Brooklyn Bat Boy

Image result for brooklyn bat boy 

After reading a couple of duds lately I was excited to read a book that grabbed my attention, was short enough that I read it this morning, and yet had a good plot and message.  

After getting caught sneaking into the Dodgers infield, Bobby is given the opportunity to be the bat boy for the team.  But it is 1947 nd Jackie Robinson has just joined the team.  Bobby doesn't know how to react when all around him people are calling Jackie names, his friend are teasing him, his dad tells him to be careful, and even Jackie's teammates aren't very welcoming.  Slowly, Bobby begins to see how Jackie Robinson is helping the team.

A great glimpse into what this time might have been like for a young fan of the game. It of course shows the prejudice of the time but highlights a boy's path to discovery without being overly preachy. 

There will definately be comparisons to Sharon Robinson's The Hero Two Doors Down which also comes this year.  I have an arc of that as well and hope to read it this weekend while this one is still fresh.

I enjoyed this...

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