Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Baking Life of Amelie Day

Image result for baking life of amelie

When I requested this book from NetGalley I was really expecting a fluff book.  Amelie loves to bake cupcakes, she is going to be in a teen competition, she has a boyfriend.  But then, wham, she has Cystic Fibrosis which is getting worse and her mom doesn't want her going to NYC for the competition.  

There is a lot of information about Cystic Fibrosis and how she has to manage it (maybe too much??) which I thought was good because I can't think of other books I have that deal with the illness.  In addition, I know a girl who recently died from complications from the disease so this struck home for me.

In a way I could compare this to Fault in Our Stars - Amelie fights her disease, wants to live her life and bake like a normal girl so she runs away to NYC for the competition.  Unfortunately, she loses her medicine and as her boyfriend tries to come to her aid he is hurt in an accident.

The build up to that event was fact, I had to stop reading with only 30 pages left and I was thinking - NOOOO, I need to keep going.  But, I felt that last 30 pages was rushed and not as developed as I would like.

My take in a nutshell is that this would be good for 5th and 6th graders who want to read more YA books but aren't ready for the more complex love scenes or language.  7th graders and up will probably be disappointed in the lack of depth...

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