Thursday, May 14, 2015

5 to 1

Image result for 5 to 1 book holly 

This was an interesting book told in alternating points of view.  Sudasa must choose a husband from 5 candidates - one is her detestable second cousin and one is a boy who doesn't want to be picked.  Her part of the story is told in verse.  Kirin wants to avoid being picked and avoid a life of guarding the wall.  Instead he plans to escape and look for his mother who disappeared when the wall went up.  But, he doesn't anticipate feeling sorry for Sudasa.  Can they find the courage to make the right choices?

I liked the premise but overall there was a lack of development...not enough about the world, not enough explanation about the ledger and its importance, and of course, a hanging ending.  I think some will enjoy the book but it is not my first choice.

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