Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I Kill the Mockingbird

When I requested this from NetGalley my daughter was reading To Kill a Mockingbird and I thought it sounded cute.  

In the book Lucy, Elena, and Michael who have been best friends for a long time, decide to become literary terrorists.  In an attempt to get people to read some of the classics they decide to decrease supply of a particular book, To Kill a Mockingbird, and hopefully increase demand.  They travel all over Connecticut hiding copies of the book in different places in bookstores and libraries.  They leave signs saying "I Kill the Mockingbird" and also start a website.  Surprisingly, the whole scheme catches on and soon people all over the country are hiding or maybe stealing copies of the book.  The whole adventure gets a bit beyond their control.  

Overall, their idea is successful but there are some unintended consequences.  In the midst of all of this there is also a budding romance between two characters in the coming of age - we have always been great friends and now I notice that I really like you.

I enjoyed the book.  It was short and moved along well.  It reminded me of Frindle.  However, I have a background knowledge with To Kill a Mockingbird and other novels alluded to in the book.  Will my students have that knowledge?  I would recommend this book to some book nerds but I am not sure I can give it a whole hearted endorsement.

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