Tuesday, July 30, 2019


6 teenagers, all students at MapleThorpe Academy, all with a vested interest in keeping their ratings up.  In this alternate society your ratings are everything - they can impact your scholarships, you job, the hospital you are allowed to go to, where you shop.  It is in your best interest to keep your rating as high as possible but slip ups can cause you to lose points.

On the first day of a new school year vandalism rocks the Academy - "the ratings are not real".  What does that mean and why is everyone so quick to hush up what happened.  To top it off what is the meaning of the weird message that 6 of them get with the same jester sticker that covered all the security cameras.

Slowly 6 teenagers start making connections and unravel the mystery behind the message.

This was an interesting read.  At one point - with the mysterious message and jester image I thought it would delve into something more creepy (it did not).  I was then pretty sure it wasn't going to end satisfactorily - and while it is clearly the first in a series there was decent closure.

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