Saturday, February 9, 2019

Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows

This was a fun new series.  Thomas Wildus stumbles upon a really old bookstore where he is given a book, The Book of Sorrows.  He is given a set of rules about how to read it.  As he reads it he learns an old story - of magic - and mysteriously the book changes as he reads.  More disconcerting is the strange events surrounding him - people following him and threatening him and warnings about what he is getting into.  When the people who he has been trusting kidnap him things get really interesting.  Whose side should he be on?

This was a lot of fun.  It lagged a bit in the middle.  As I was nearing the end I was fearing a cliff hanger but it did end tidily (maybe a bit so).  There are still unanswered questions and more work to be done - thus an upcoming sequel.  I liked this as a series opener though.

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