Sunday, December 3, 2017

Her Right Foot

I know this a really popular book right now and I can understand and appreciate why.  I like the illustrations and I like the author's voice.  It is a good history of the Statue of Liberty.  But, even as the author says in the book, it takes awhile to get to the point - her right foot.  Then when the book finally gets there I don't think the author solidly proves the point.  Yes, idealistically we like to think Lady Liberty is moving forward to greet the immigrants but where is the evidence from the designer's perspective.  Was that the intent?  Even the section about the chains, while it says what it is intended to show, does not quote the source that proves it.  I would just like more in the back matter even that substantiates the ideology.  I agree with it... but as a librarian teaching research I would like more.

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