Thursday, July 20, 2017


I really loved this book!!

Lester has been homeschooled for his whole life but now that his mom has a job at the library he needs to go to school.  Will he make friends?  Will the understand his love of science?  It quickly becomes clear to the reader that Lester is unique - load noises bother him, he is very fixated on science, if the schedule changes he has a hard time adjusting.  Fortunately, the teachers and principals recognize that Lester is on the autism spectrum and soon establish a good environment for him.  But, making friends and fitting in is a bit harder.  He makes a good friend at first but soon she is pulled away by the allure of a new popular girl.  He wins the science fair but it isn't until he can apply science to kickball that he truly finds his "thing".

This book had a lot of heart.  Lester was a great character and there was good growth and honesty in the characters who surrounded him.  The chapter about his research at the library was awesome!

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